Hemp oil is one of the many products obtained from plants of the genus Cannabis, with therapeutic, nutritional, and even cosmetic effects. It appears as an alternative for treating various medical conditions, from skin problems to lowering blood pressure.
It is important to note that Hemp Oil is not the same as cannabidiol (CBD) oil. The production of CBD oil uses the stems, leaves and flowers of the hemp plant, which contain a higher concentration of CBD, another potentially beneficial compound in the plant.
Hemp seed oil comes from the small seeds of the Cannabis sativa plant . The seeds do not contain the same levels of compounds as the plant itself, but they still have a rich profile of nutrients, fatty acids, and useful bioactive compounds.
Full spectrum hemp oil that also contains plant matter can add other effective compounds that can help with certain health problems, such as inflammation.
Possible health benefits
Because of the way CBD oil acts in the body, its use can have some health benefits and even be considered in the treatment of some diseases:
– Epilepsy: some studies have shown that cannabidiol oil is able to decrease the frequency of seizures due to the interaction of this substance with CB1-type receptors in the brain, as well as other non-specific receptors for cannabidiol;
– Post-traumatic stress: a study of people diagnosed with post-traumatic stress found that the use of cannabidiol caused an improvement in anxiety symptoms and cognitive impairment, compared to the placebo group, in which a worsening of symptoms was observed;
– Insomnia: by acting on neuronal regulation and neurotransmitter release, cannabidiol oil may promote relaxation and thus help in the treatment of insomnia. It was further noted in a case study that the use of 25 mg of cannabidiol oil was able to improve sleep quality;
– Inflammation: a rat study indicated that cannabidiol was effective in relieving inflammation-related pain, as it appears to interact with receptors related to pain sensation.
Other health benefits:
– Improves joint pain
– Reduces swelling and inflammation
– Reduces anxiety
– Improves arthritis
– Improves PMS symptoms
– Antidepressant
– Improves sleep and promotes deeper, more relaxing high quality sleep
– Improves weight loss
– Improves acne
– More energy and speeds up the metabolism
– Enhances immunity
– Essential Function of Nano Cellular Organs
– Calms Dominical Scars
– Helps balance skin tone; Supports skin regeneration; Improves skin brightness; Moisturizes hair, increases hair strength; Improves nail quality
– Treats chronic, rheumatic and neuropathic pain, and chronic, neuropathic diseases such as alzheimer’s, parkinson’s, fibromyalgia, arthritis, autism, depression, among others.

How Hemp Oil works?
The action of cannabidiol oil is mainly due to its activity on two receptors present in the body, known as CB1 and CB2. CB1 is located in the brain and is related to the regulation of neurotransmitter release and neuronal activity, while CB2 is present in the lymphoid organs, which is responsible for inflammatory and infectious responses.
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