This root, known for its bitter taste and golden color, has gained a lot of notoriety in Europe in recent years. However, it has been used for centuries, not only to impart an exotic flavor to a variety of recipes, but also because of its numerous therapeutic properties. Traditional Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine (which seeks harmony between body, mind and soul) use it as an antiseptic to relieve pain and the unpleasant sensation related to digestive function; carminative, to attenuate the development of intestinal gases; choleretics, to stimulate the secretion of bile; spasmolytic, to inhibit muscle spasms; and hepatoprotective, to protect liver health.
Its use is indicated to aid the digestive process, as it stimulates digestive secretions and reduces the formation of gases in cases of hepatobiliary dyskinesias, hepatitis and gastrointestinal cramps. It is also attributed to antiplatelet and antioxidant properties, and benefits of its administration in the prevention of hyperlipidemias (high cholesterol and / or triglycerides), arteriosclerosis and thromboembolism are also described.
Recently, interest has focused on its anti-inflammatory properties. Several studies have been conducted in this regard, allowing their inclusion in various dietary supplements indicated as adjunctive in the treatment of arthritis and other inflammatory conditions of the rheumatology.
Its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties also seem to have benefits in certain skin problems such as eczema and acne.
Finally, some studies suggest an antimutagenic action associated with its active compounds. However, further research will be needed to prove any anticancer action of this root. Do you already know our tea and pills with Turmeric? Product developed and designed so that our customers have the best options in their daily lives.