When it comes to something we don’t like about our bodies, cellulite is one of the main complaints.
Cellulite, scientifically known as gynoid lipodystrophy, is the result of a deposit of fat under a more visible layer of skin. Thus, more visible changes occur, generating an “orange peel” appearance with small holes.
The most common areas of the body where cellulite appears are the thighs, hips, and buttocks. The increase in fat accumulation, especially in these areas, is related to the female hormone estrogen. This is why different degrees of cellulite are much more common in women than in men.
Other factors that influence the deposition of fat under the skin are unhealthy habits, for example a diet rich in sugar and fat, as well as a sedentary lifestyle and lack of exercise. Nevertheless, cellulite is not necessarily related to obesity, because thin people can also have cellulite.
Cellulite is classified into 4 different degrees, according to its intensity. Several factors are taken into consideration for each grade, from mild to severe cases.
– Grade 0: if the person is standing, there are no changes on the skin surface;
– Grade I: depressions and elevations appear by pinching or muscle contraction;
– Level II: orange peel appearance already in the standing position, without the aid of any maneuver;
– Grade III: presence of grade II alterations already presenting nodules and elevations in the affected region.

They can also be classified according to the consistency of the skin:
Hard: young patients, with regular physical activity, the orange peel aspect only appears if we compress it with our fingers.
Flabby: Sedentary people and women who have lost a lot of weight, leading to flabbiness.
Edematous: Younger women who take contraceptives. The orange peel sign and the edema are early.
Mixed: This represents the evolution from one old form to another. There can be hardened cellulite on the outer thigh and already have a flaccid form on the inner thigh.
How to prevent cellulite?
A balanced diet, weight control, drinking plenty of water, and physical activity greatly improve the cellulite picture by reducing the amount of stored fat and improving tissue drainage. Our teas with incredible benefits can be associated with food to enhance the results.
Regardless of the cellulite degree, here at Elaine Esthetics we have the ideal protocol to treat it. In the evaluation, which is totally free. We will evaluate which is the best protocol for you.
We have Cellutox, an exclusive protocol here at the Clinic:
The cellutox is a French device that has a vibrating endermotherapy system. It is used in aesthetic treatments, acting as a modeler and. The procedure is simple to perform and shows good results after a few sessions.
One of the advantages of the technique, in comparison with other methods, is that it is not invasive, does not cause pain and does not have post-procedure measures. It is a great ally to decrease fluid retention, reduce localized fat and fight cellulite.
Does cellulite bother you? Schedule your evaluation right now.